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Tag Archives: HIRI

What Your Customers Want to See Under Their Feet


The Home Improvement Research Institute is predicting a decrease in flooring sales this year, but retailers can prepare for the downturn by staying up to date on what’s trending and stocking the flooring that customers are most likely to purchase. …

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Insights From The Home Improvement Research Institute

HIRI insights laying flooring

We at the Home Improvement Research Institute (HIRI) are routinely asked, “Where is the home improvement market headed?” The answer to this question has always been, “Well, it depends on which segment or category of the industry.” This question has …

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How DIYers Are Handling Product Shortages

product shortages

The Home Improvement Research Institute (HIRI) recently partnered with The Farnsworth Group to track sentiments among homeowners in the midst of continuing supply chain issues, increasing prices and product shortages.  The survey included homeowners who choose to complete projects themselves …

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3 Home Improvement Takeaways From HIRI

HIRI takeaways

The Home Improvement Research Institute (HIRI) took a look back at the home improvement industry in the past year and shared its top three takeaways going into 2022. According to preliminary estimates, the home improvement industry grew 13 percent for …

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4 Home Improvement Trends from HIRI

HIRI trends

The Home Improvement Research Institute (HIRI) surveyed homeowners in the fourth quarter of 2021, asking what home improvement projects they were planning that quarter. The survey strives to better understand consumer project sentiment and the latest trends so home improvement …

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HIRI Releases New Data on Consumer Behavior

consumer data

The Home Improvement Research Institute (HIRI) continuously provides home improvement consumer data to its members to aid them in making better business decisions. As part of its efforts, HIRI recently surveyed consumers on their shopping habits and found that 59.2 …

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Home Improvement Research Institute: Year in Review


Entering 2021, many within the home improvement industry proceeded with caution. Even though 2020 was rife with heartache, turmoil and disruption at a global level, home improvement was one of the few shining stars. Homeowners took their forced time at …

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