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NRHA to Host Webinar on Managing Stress in the Workplace

Managing stress in the workplace is a priority under normal circumstances—but amid COVID-19 concerns across North America, this topic is both important and timely.

To help retailers better support their teams during this crisis, the North American Retail Hardware Association (NRHA) will host a webinar “Tools & Tips to Help Your Team Through Stressful Times” on Thursday, Aug. 13. This online event will be presented by NRHA retail consultant Kim Peffley and Scott Wright, executive director of the NRHA Retail Leadership Institute.

Webinar attendees will learn how stress can impact their teams and businesses and gain helpful tips for supporting their teams through stressful times. Attendees walk away from the webinar with better tools and knowledge to offer support to teams by helping them control, prevent and reduce stress.

The webinar will also explore DiSC theory, which divides people into four main behavioral styles. Attendees will learn more about their own DiSC style and how to improve communication and overall effectiveness. 

The webinar will cover

  • What DiSC is and how it can help your business
  • The different DiSC Styles 
  • How individual DiSC styles affect communication and how someone handles stress
  • How different DiSC styles react under pressure and stress
  • How different DiSC styles react to different stressful situations and circumstances
  • General tips to help your team through stressful situations 
  • NRHA TeamBuilder

“This webinar will help you as a leader in your company to identify your strengths and opportunities in stress management,” says NRHA retail consultant Kim Peffley. “Our goal is to help you identify what stressors are affecting your team and how you react to them and provide you with the tips and tools to support your team through stressful situations.”

The one-hour webinar will take place on Thursday, Aug. 13 at 4 p.m. EDT.

Register to Attend Now

Registration for the webinar is now open. For more information or to register, click here

If you are unable to attend the webinar but would like more information, email Kim Peffley at kpeffley@nrha.org.  

About Julie Leinwand

Julie Leinwand is the Special Projects Manager for NHPA. She graduated from the Missouri School of Journalism. In her spare time, she enjoys baking fanciful desserts and spending time with her puppies and husband.

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