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4 Ways Training Can Increase Add-on Sales

If you want to generate more add-on sales for your business, you need to make sure you’re using effective promotional and merchandising techniques. But likely the best way to prompt customers to add more items to their shopping carts are employees who understand how to effectively lead a sales conversation. 

Not everyone instinctively understands the art of add-on selling, either. Selling skills that produce higher transaction sizes come with practice and training. Here are four ways training will help your employees sell more. 

Training improves selling skills. Employees who understand good sales techniques will have the kinds of conversations that lead to add-on sales. For example, teach employees how to approach customers by asking a question that opens a conversation, such as “What project are you working on today?”, never “What can I help you find?”. Getting the customer to talk about their project naturally leads to a conversation about all of the products they might need to finish it. 

Training boosts project knowledge. Employees will sell what they know. When they have confidence in their ability to walk customers through a project, they will be more comfortable recommending add-on products. Give employees opportunities for product and project knowledge training so they understand all of the products you sell. 

Training can explain the math. Show employees the importance of add-on sales by explaining how each increase in transaction size boosts profits. Explain the difference high and low margin items have on the sale and their impact on overall store profits. Don’t forget to mention that the better the performance of your business, the more opportunities for employees.

Training creates more engaged employees. When employees see you’re willing to invest in them through training, they’re more likely to be engaged in and more satisfied with their jobs, which means they’re more likely to perform well at their jobs. And good job performance will naturally lead to increased sales through good customer service. 

For the easiest way to get employees the training they need to create more add-on sales, enroll them in NHPA’s Project PRO series of courses. These courses offer step-by-step explanations of common DIY projects, along with all of the items needed to complete them. They also explain the math that lies behind an add-on sale. 

Project PRO is available to NHPA Premier Members. If you are not a member and would like to learn more, visit YourNHPA.org/membership.

About Jesse Carleton

Jesse Carleton has visited independent hardware retailers, conducted original research on the industry and written extensively about the business of hardware retailing. Jesse has written for more than a dozen of NHPA’s contract publishing titles, all related to the hardware retailing industry. He also was instrumental in developing the Basic Training in Hardware Retailing courses now used by thousands of retailers across the country.

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