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10 Smart Home Products to Sell in 2019

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Still trying to understand smart devices? In a category that is still relatively new to the market and that seems to change constantly, it may be difficult to know where to start. While it may be tempting to wait until you see more customers willing to pay for the technology, you don’t want to miss out on a sales opportunity. And when it comes to choosing the smart home devices to stock, you have plenty of choices. To help you sort them out, here are 10 items to help you start the smart home category.

1. Security Camera
This device will likely be part of a larger security system that works with other devices. When selling kits, talk about the benefits of self-installed home security systems, which tend to cost less than professionally installed ones.



2. Locks
Smart door locks can include a whole list of features, such as remote unlocking if someone in the family forgets their key and geofencing that locks the door when you get a certain distance away from the home (in case you forget).



3. Thermostats
Energy savings is a big selling point for many smart home devices. Smart thermostats can increase the energy efficiency of a home by creating heating and cooling cycles based on the homeowner’s daily schedule.




4. Lightbulbs
Users can connect with bulbs remotely to dim them, change their color or turn them on and off. This is one of those products you need to see to believe, so consider setting up a floor demo so shoppers can see it in action.




5. Electrical Plugs
Users can control whatever is connected to a smart plug via their device. Some plugs are low cost and are good starter devices for people new to the smart home idea. Try placing these plugs in impulse areas to encourage sales.



6. Smoke Detectors
One of the benefits of a smart smoke detector is the ability to alert homeowners of a fire when they’re away. Customers may be more likely to buy one if they understand the many ways it can make their home safer.




7. Lighting Controls
Smart controls allow users to control their lights via voice or a mobile app. They also hold potential for energy savings. This is a good item to show home builders, remodelers or DIYers who want to upgrade their homes.




8. Garage Openers
A smart garage door opener lets users check the status of their garage door and open and close it even when they’re not home. Since garages offer easy access to the home, security will be a big selling point for this device.




9. Wireless Speakers
Bluetooth speakers come in a range of price points and styles. Try merchandising them as an impulse item near the checkout counter or place them near the grills around tailgating season as an easy add-on sale.




10. Grill Accessories
Smart grill thermometers allow users to monitor the temperature of the meat via a smartphone and then receive an alert when it’s finished. This tool will help even those who are unsure about their grilling skills get perfect results.

About Jesse Carleton

Jesse Carleton has visited independent hardware retailers, conducted original research on the industry and written extensively about the business of hardware retailing. Jesse has written for more than a dozen of NHPA’s contract publishing titles, all related to the hardware retailing industry. He also was instrumental in developing the Basic Training in Hardware Retailing courses now used by thousands of retailers across the country.

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