Home » Industry News » Tune In to Hardware Retailing ’s Latest Podcast Episodes

Tune In to Hardware Retailing ’s Latest Podcast Episodes

Listeners of Hardware Retailing’s two podcast series “Tell Me More…” and “Taking Care of Business” have much to look forward to in 2020 with new episodes and special guests. So what can listeners expect for the rest of 2020? Subscribe or listen to the podcasts at TheRedT.com/pod.

tell me more podcastTell Me More…

On this podcast, NRHA retail outreach coordinator Renee Changnon talks to retailers from across the U.S. and Canada. They discuss their challenges, successes and the realities of working in the independent hardware industry.

“I enjoy having the opportunity to speak to retailers from all walks of life, different locations and wholesale affiliations to show that ultimately, we’re stronger together,” Changnon says. “Every retailer I have talked to has a unique story. No matter how they got into the industry, they all are working to keep it strong and vibrant, which is inspiring.”

Future Episodes

  • Joe Franquinha of Crest Hardware & Urban Garden Center in Brooklyn, New York
  • West Coast Cruisin’ Road Trip featuring various retailers


taking care of business podcastTaking Care of Business

NRHA executive vice president and Hardware Retailing executive editor Dan Tratensek interviews industry experts, executives and thought leaders to get insights into where the industry, consumers and retail in general might be headed.

“The goal of this podcast is to take some of those one-on-one conversations that we get to have with industry leaders and experts and let the rest of the industry listen in,” Tratensek says. “Hopefully, our podcast gives listeners a better understanding of where things might be headed while at the same time giving them a better, more casual insight into some of the people who are driving those changes.”

Future Episodes

Do you have an idea for a podcast episode or guest? Submit suggestions for both podcasts to Renee Changnon at rchangnon@nrha.org.

About Julie Leinwand

Julie Leinwand is the Special Projects Manager for NHPA. She graduated from the Missouri School of Journalism. In her spare time, she enjoys baking fanciful desserts and spending time with her puppies and husband.

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