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Tag Archives: training

A Culture of Selling: Getting Everyone to Sell

If you think of sales as the engine that drives your business, then every employee is a moving part in that engine. But they’re not merely “cogs in a wheel,” because if anyone fails to do their part, the entire …

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3 Actions You Can Take to Improve Employee Engagement

employee engagement

In the most recent Gallup survey about employee engagement, respondents report a decline in access to training, less connection to their organization’s mission and infrequent praise in the workplace. Since 2020, the amount of workers who say they know what’s …

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Advanced Paint Sales Training Now Available

If you want to differentiate your paint business from everyone else in the market, you’ll need competent and confident employees. The North American Hardware and Paint Association (NHPA) now offers another tool for your training arsenal. Advanced Paint Sales is …

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3 Ways to Invest in the Next Generation

next generation of DIY

According to the National Kitchen and Bath Association, 41% of skilled professionals will age out or retire by 2030 and for every five boomers who retire, there’s only one person to fill those jobs. Here are steps retailers can take …

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