Some of the most valuable real estate space in your store lies in a narrow display at the end of a gondola run: The endcap. But whether your customers stop and look at the items you place there or just pass on by has everything to do with how you merchandise. Here are some tips for creating an effective endcap:
- Fill it up: Endcaps should look full. As you sell through items, restock or move in new items.
- Density matters: Plan at least one endcap for every 400 square feet of retail salesfloor.
- Promote projects: While you can use an endcap to merchandise one or more products, you can also create a project theme. Include a product with one or two complementary or related items to fill out the display centered around a specific project.
- Keep it balanced: Studies suggest single-item endcaps make the most powerful impact while driving large sales increases. However, if you don’t want to invest in the large inventory levels it takes for a massive product display on every endcap, take the balanced approach.
- Include POP video players: Endcaps with TV monitors with a looping informational video about a featured product can build customers’ interest about a product as well as give them confidence about using it. You’re also more likely to get a customer to stop and look at the endcap if there’s a video playing than if there’s just a stagnant sign.
- Let employees be creative: When creating a display, be creative by using unusual products, a lot of color or vignettes: anything that will catch customers’ attention. If you have employees who need an outlet for their creative spirits, show them a few products you’d like to promote and let them use their imaginations to come up with creative endcaps.