There are some scents just about everyone likes, like the smell of coffee or freshly cut grass. But what about the smell of a hardware store?
It seems to be a favorite for customers at Sierra Valley Home Center in Loyalton, California.
“People have been coming into our 114-year-old store for years and love the old hardware store scent we have,” says owner Kim Folchi.
She wanted to put that scent into a candle for her customers to burn in their homes, so she worked with a local candlemaker to create the candle that’s now known as “The Hardware Store.”
“It’s the perfect combination of freshly cut lumber, a faint hint of oil and the earthy aroma from our gardening section,” Folchi says. She also likes that it’s locally made, something that’s important to the community of 1,000 people.
“We’ve been carrying local items before ‘local’ became trendy,” she says. “The best part of being able to sell this unique product is that it was handmade only a few miles away. In our small community, we are very connected, and that extends to business partnerships as well.”
Intrigued by what the scent of “The Hardware Store” candle might be? You can win one! Check out Hardware Retailing on Facebook for details.