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3 Hiring Tips to Create a Stronger Team

After being declared an essential industry during the earliest days of the pandemic, home improvement is attracting many job seekers. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that compared to the first quarter of 2020, the number of home improvement employees in the first quarter of 2021 has grown 7 percent.

Improving your hiring process benefits your entire team. Get three tips from the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) on how you can differentiate your business from other prospective employers and find top-tier candidates to fill your vacant positions. For more information, visit shrm.org.

Share what makes you unique.

Identifying what makes your business special is important to attract job seekers. Promoting your operation’s specific culture turns ambivalent candidates into people hungry to land a job. Highlight the perks of working at your operation and the ways your company gives back to the community to stand apart.

Consider the candidate’s point of view.

Every step of the hiring process is a chance to remind the job seeker of the unique opportunity your company offers. From the initial pre-interview phone call to the new hire’s first day, prioritize their experience. It’s one way to meet a candidate halfway and introduce them to the expectations you have for them.

Keep the hiring process genuine.

Be clear and direct with what the position will entail, how long it will last and how it serves the company’s mission. That transparency gives job seekers the information they need to decide whether the job is a good fit, potentially self-regulating and preventing you from needing to refill the position in a few months.

About Todd Taber

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