Are you resolving to straighten out your business’s finances, learn about new products and the latest retail technology trends in 2020? NRHA can help you accomplish all your resolutions.
On Dec. 5, retailers, manufacturers and channel partners from across North America will gather at the association’s Indianapolis headquarters to review new proprietary research and hear illuminating presentations from progressive retailers at the NRHA State of Independents Conference.
Review the core of this year’s conference programming here, and visit to register. Retailers attend for free, but space is limited. Sign up today and take action for your business.
Planning for Succession
Preparing for your business’s future is a project every retailer should take seriously. Learn the steps you can take today to ensure the business is in good hands and safeguard its long-term survival.
Integrating Technology
Implementing new tech resources can streamline your entire operation. Uncover how new tech applications can streamline inventory management and improve employee productivity.
Increasing Labor Costs
Knowing the forces behind rising labor costs puts you one step ahead of competitors. By attending this year’s conference, you can position your business to capture recurring sales from professional builders.
Changing Consumer Demographics
Meeting the needs of a diverse customer base is crucial for ongoing retail success. Hear how retailers are integrating new opportunities to serve multicultural customer bases.