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Research & Guides

The Changing Big Box Dynamic

This presentation examines how the recession has affected big boxes in the home improvement industry and how the big boxes have responded to the changing market. It also looks at proprietary consumer research to determine how today’s shoppers perceive the different boxes …

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2012 Market Measure: The Industry’s Annual Report

To watch the full video, click here. NRHA’s most popular webcast, the Market Measure will provide original data from its annual report. This webcast is an essential tool for any channel of the home improvement sector and will provide an …

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A Retailer’s Guide to Social Media

This presentation outlines how businesses are using social media today and how independent home improvement retailers can implement social media policies and best practices in their operations to make it an effective promotional and customer engagement tool. It also provides …

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Evolution of the Big Box

To watch the full video, click here. With contradicting rumors flying around about home improvement big boxes it’s hard to tell whether these mega-chains are cannibalizing themselves or gaining consumer popularity through improved customer service. It’s time to give the …

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The Evolving Home Improvement Channel

To watch the full video, click here. Get in touch with the ins and outs of the distribution, manufacturing and retail segments of today’s evolving home improvement channel. Tune in for coverage on what’s going on within the industry’s largest …

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The Rebirth of DIY

To watch the full video, click here. Is economic pressure encouraging an increase in DIY activity across the country? Supported by original research, this webinar will examine how consumers’ attitudes toward do-it-yourself projects have changed over the years, and how …

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The ABCs of Advertising

To watch the full video, click here. What makes a good ad campaign? How do advertising and PR complement each other? Have retailers changed the way they approach advertising? What kind of ROI should you expect from your efforts? Tune …

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