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states mandating masks

Updated: 19 States Mandate Masks in Public Spaces

As some localities’ COVID-19 restrictions ease, certain U.S. states have moved to mandate the use of masks and face coverings while in public, CNN reports.

California: As of June 18, Gov. Newsom has issued a statewide order requiring the use of face coverings in public indoor spaces. This order includes shopping, riding on public transportation and seeking medical attention, as well as in public outdoor spaces.

Connecticut: As of April 20, Connecticut requires any resident over 2 years old in a public space to wear a mask when social distancing is not possible. Employees at essential businesses must wear masks or other cloth coverings over their mouth and nose at all times. Employers must provide masks or materials to construct them, according to state guidance.

Delaware: Gov. Carney has ordered residents to wear face masks in public, including during shopping trips and on public transportation. Children under 12 are not required to wear face masks.

Hawaii: As of April 20, customers and employees at essential businesses must wear cloth facial coverings.

Illinois: As of May 1, Gov. Priztker has ordered anyone in the state to wear a mask when outside their homes. Face coverings are obligatory while shopping essential businesses, using public transportation, picking up food or visiting a medical professional while social distancing is not possible.

Kansas: As of July 3, Gov. Kelly issued an executive order mandating masks be worn in public settings. Masks are also required in outdoor settings where social distancing is not possible.

Kentucky: As of May 11, Gov. Beshear has ordered state residents to wear masks in public. People will not be fined for not wearing masks, but business owners have the right to turn away customers who do not comply with the rule.

Maine: As of May 1, Gov. Mills has signed an order requiring people over the age of 2 to wear masks in public spaces, including retail stores.

Maryland: As of April 18, employees and customers at essential businesses over the age of 9 must wear face coverings.

Massachusetts: As of May 6, Gov. Booker has required the use of face coverings or masks in indoor and outdoor spaces when social distancing is not achievable. Children under 2 do not have to wear face coverings.

Michigan: As of June 18, the state requires all residents to use face coverings in all public settings and business owners are permitted to bar service to those who do not comply.

Nevada: As of June 24, anyone in a public space must wear a mask.

New Jersey: As of April 8, face coverings are required at essential businesses and construction sites. According to CNN, businesses must provide masks for employees to wear and they can deny entry to patrons who refuse to wear them.

New Mexico: As of May 16, adults must wear face masks in public settings, with only a few exceptions such as when eating or drinking.

New York: As of April 17, Gov. Cuomo issued an executive order requiring everyone to wear a mask in public.

North Carolina: Gov. Cooper ordered all residents in a public setting to wear masks beginning June 26.

Oregon: Gov. Brown has ordered everyone in the state to wear face coverings in indoor public settings starting July 1.

Pennsylvania: As of April 19, essential businesses must provide and require employees to wear masks. Customers must wear masks or they can be denied entry.

Rhode Island: Gov. Raimondo has issued an order which stipulates residents over the age of 2 must wear facial coverings or masks while in public settings.

Texas: Texans living in a county with 20 or more COVID-19 cases must wear a face covering when entering a business, according to the Texas Tribune.

About Todd Taber

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