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Management Lessons From Operating Multiple Operations

Glenn Ubertino, owner of Zoller Hardware, recently shared with Hardware Retailing how he is able to manage four thriving businesses simultaneously. Get insights from Ubertino and find ways to streamline your own operation below.

What’s in a Name?
Ubertino says he’s thought of changing the names of each of his partner businesses to include Zoller, but has continually decided against it to give each a unique brand.

“I think the businesses can get a little watered down if they’re under one single name. It’s a little more expensive to market them all individually to customers, but it gives each business its own character.”

Buzzing With Opportunity
One of the benefits of owning multiple businesses is allowing employees to move freely. Ubertino uses identical POS systems at each store, so every employee can ring up sales and receive merchandise accurately.

“It helps keep things fresh for our employees. It also helps fill staffing gaps and keeps each business running.”

Let Go to Gain Clarity
Ubertino says one of the main challenges of running four independent businesses is time management.

“I’m a hands-on retailer and I’m definitely not a fly-by or absentee owner. I think it’s important to hire the best people you can and let them take control of some of the smaller details. I trust my team to pick them up and strengthen each business.”

About Todd Taber

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