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Backlit House Address Plaque

Being able to quickly identify the correct house is critical for first responders, and illuminated house numbers go a long way to assisting proper location identification. This easy-to-install, hardwired plaque is rust-resistant, and is available in two sizes. The daylight smart sensor helps save energy by turning off lights during daytime hours, and automatically turning on when sunlight levels are low.

Klassen Bronze
800-265-8710 or klassenbronze.com

About Liz Lichtenberger

Liz is the special projects editor for Hardware Retailing magazine. She reports on news and trends, visits retailers, and attends industry events. She graduated from Xavier University, where she earned a degree in English and Spanish and was a member of the swim team. Liz is a Louisville, Kentucky, native who lives in Indianapolis with her husband and two children. She enjoys swimming, reading, doing home improvement projects around her house and cheering on her two favorite basketball teams, the Kentucky Wildcats and the Xavier Musketeers.

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