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Consultant: Sears, Like Titanic, ‘Looks Set to Sink’


Sears’ third-quarter earnings followed the company’s downward financial trend, inspiring conjecture about the possibility of the company’s demise. “Sears keeps promising investors a turnaround but its results only seem to get worse,” Fortune magazine says. This month, Sears Holdings Corporation released financial results that showed continued …

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2016 Market Measure

2016 Market Measure

To download a PDF of the complete 2016 Market Measure, please complete the form at the bottom of the page. The Ups and Downs of a Positive Year To simply state that 2016 has been a good year for home improvement …

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Walmart Testing 4,000-Square-Foot Stores

Walmart Pickup with Fuel

Walmart is testing Walmart Pickup with Fuel, a store format so tiny that about 45 of them could fit in one of the retail giant’s super centers. The new stores are 4,000 square feet and serve as pick up locations for …

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Amazon Go Lets Consumers Skip Checkout

Amazon Go

Amazon Go, the latest brick-and-mortar venture from the online retailer, allows consumers to take products from the shelves and skip the checkout. Called the “Just Walk Out” shopping experience, Amazon Go is modeled after technology found in self-driving cars, like computer …

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Walmart and Target Improve Online Order Pickup

Walmart and Target are improving their online order in-store pickup processes to compete against Amazon during the busy holiday season, according to The Wall Street Journal. During a time when Amazon.com is thriving in online sales and home delivery, in-store pickup …

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STIHL Donates $100,000 for New Leadership Training Program

The North American Retail Hardware Association (NRHA) and STIHL Inc. have announced an exclusive partnership for developing the leadership skills of the next generation of independent home improvement retailers. The organizations made the announcement Dec. 8 at the NRHA State of Independents …

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