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Happy Birthday to Hardware Retailing Podcasts

One year ago, Hardware Retailing stepped into new territory, launching two industry-specific podcast series to provide retailers and channel partners with a new way to hear what’s going on with home improvement.

Today, subscribers have access to more than 25 podcast episodes featuring retailers, wholesale executives, industry experts and more. Better yet, 2020 is just getting underway, and Hardware Retailing looks forward to bringing exclusive stories with special guests all year long.

Hardware Retailing Podcasts

  • In “Taking Care of Business,” Hardware Retailing executive editor Dan Tratensek interviews a variety of guests, including high-profile retailers, industry experts and wholesale executives, to understand trends, challenges and opportunities facing the industry today.
  • “Tell Me More” with Renee Changnon, NRHA retail outreach coordinator, dives into the world of retail in a different way. Changnon’s podcast offers unique stories from retailers who are bringing new perspectives to the industry. Search for podcast episodes, subscribe and listen at TheRedT.com/pod.
Taking Care of Business
April 9: Boyden Moore, Orgill Hear Orgill’s new president and CEO talk about his vision for the largest independent distributor in the industry and how he sees home improvement retailing evolving to meet the needs of today’s consumer.


Tell Me More
April 23: Ted McDonald, Boltz Hardware Renee Changnon and Ted talk about the history of the Martinsburg, West Virginia, business, his decision to take on ownership and his plans for the 90-year-old operation.

About Julie Leinwand

Julie Leinwand is the Special Projects Manager for NHPA. She graduated from the Missouri School of Journalism. In her spare time, she enjoys baking fanciful desserts and spending time with her puppies and husband.

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