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Consumers Shop Local, Buy Made in America Products

Recently, NRHA asked consumers if they made a greater effort in the past year to buy Made in America products. And 53 percent said yes. In the same survey, 59 percent of those consumers also responded that they made a greater effort to shop locally, too. With Black Friday approaching, make sure you promote the Made in America products that you carry.

These findings came from a 2014 North American Retail Hardware Association study and represent just some of the types of research the organization will be sharing with the industry at its first annual State of Independents Conference scheduled for Dec. 10, 2015, at the Hyatt Regency O’Hare in Chicago.

This one-day conference will provide attendees with a wide-range picture of how independent home improvement retailers are faring in today’s market, what they see as their challenges to growth in the future and how they view their relationships with their manufacturing and distribution partners. The event will present this information through a combination of proprietary research, panel discussions featuring leading independent home improvement retailers and networking opportunities.

For more information about the State of Independents Conference, or to register and take advantage of discounted early-bird registration rates, please go to www.hardwareretailing/soic. To learn even more about the event or to inquire about any NRHA research, please contact DanT@nrha.org.

About Sonya Ruff Jarvis

Sonya is managing member of Jarvis Consultants LLC. She has served in executive roles and been responsible for designing, launching and managing complex projects across diverse industries. She can be reached via email at sonya@jarvisconsultants.com.

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