A desire for bold geometric and floral patterns that can best be created with wallpaper are reviving an interest in the wallcovering. Art deco designs, large florals and geometric patterns are gaining popularity for use on accent walls, entryways and bathrooms. Giant-sized florals and palm prints create drama on single walls in living rooms, dining rooms and sunrooms. Bold metallic florals create a statement piece in entryways, offices and bathrooms. (See examples here and here.)
But, perhaps the most surprising wallpaper trend for 2019 is the return of the wallpaper border. Gone are the swooping ribbons, country chickens, cabin moose and rainbow heart patterns of borders from the 1980s, making way for a more sophisticated version of the wallpaper border that seamlessly matches bold paint colors and replicates the work of famous painters. The borders accentuate decorative trim and highlight raised ceilings and friezes.
The bold, new wallpapers and borders that have become more popular are reminiscent of Victorian-era wall coverings, but with additional art deco and craftsman-style options. Candice Kaye and Cole & Son are two wallpaper companies that offer shining examples of this trend. For a list of unique wallpaper companies, click here, and keep an eye out for these design trends at home shows and trade shows across the country.