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Tag Archives: pet

Must-Stock, Tail-Wagging Pet Accessories

Pet Accessories

Stocking pet accessories in your store is a great category to diversify your inventory. Attract pet lovers with these products that will help them care for and have fun with their four-legged friends. Odor Eliminators Every pet owner knows the …

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Pet Toys That Are Mother-Nature Approved

When it comes to pet toys, you don’t have to harm the earth for your furry friends to have fun. According to the Kind Pet, an estimated 634 million dog toys end up in U.S. landfills per year—equivalent to 40,500 …

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Farm, Pet and Ranch Merchandising Display Ideas

farm pet ranch merchandising

With more and more consumers are seeking out that “rural living” ideal, an increasing number of retailers are tailoring their assortments to meet the demands of the growing farm, pet and ranch market. Patrick Ansel opened the first Family Farm …

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Tips for the Farm, Pet & Ranch Category

Family Farm Stores in Dumas, Texas

Avoid being overwhelmed by what to stock in the farm, pet and ranch category—which can be broad—by catering to the specific needs of your local community and forging partnerships with other area retailers like owner Patrick Ansel does at his …

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The 10 Issue: Discover Quick-Hitting Operations Tips

10 issue

With a whoosh, the 10 list issue of Hardware Retailing has returned. This year, we’re exploring all sides of the independent home improvement industry with a twist. You’ll be able to fly through these 10 lists, but you’ll come away …

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10 Ways to Defeat Winter’s Wrath


No matter where you do business, Old Man Winter will soon be knocking on your door. Whether that means a few nights with lows in the 60s or dozens of feet of snow outside your business, learning how you can …

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