The home electronics category has expanded over the years as technology has become a staple in the American home, from an endcap once dominated by extensions cords to an expanded 6-foot section dedicated to cell phone and tablet accessories. The latest devices require a lot to keep them protected and juiced. An explosion of portable charging devices can keep your customers in motion this summer, but which ones are the most reliable at getting the job done? From wireless charging pads and mini chargers to power banks and chargers shaped like decorative vases, it’s difficult to know which options provide the best results.
Tom’s Guide, an independent online product review publication, talks about some of the top current portable products for charging mobile phones. To learn more about these options, click here.
We also can’t forget busy contractors who need extra battery power. One option for them is the Battery Barracks from Creative Tools, LLC. This portable charging station accommodates up to six chargers for tools and devices of any style and brand, needing only one outlet to charge everything at once. When not in use, the compact, portable case provides waterproof and impact-resistant protection.
These products can help fill out your electronics category, as well as provide your customers with a reliable experience that will keep them connected, no matter home far from home they roam.