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Small Businesses Increase Head Count

Small businesses across the United States added 102,000 jobs in October, up nearly 10 percent from September. This increase is the second six-figure number in the past year and marks the second-straight month of growth since the summer slump. Small businesses providing services can be attributed for almost all of the growth as they accounted for 91,000 of the 102,000 additional positions.

The growth in small business hiring is reflective of the overall economy as 230,000 jobs were added in October; however, small companies led the overall growth. According to the Washington Post, “it was the nation’s smallest businesses that for the third consecutive month contributed more openings than their slightly larger counterparts. Companies with fewer than 20 employees added 53,000 jobs, while companies with between 20 and 50 workers added 49,000 positions in October.”

To read more about small business hiring, click here.

About Sara Logel

As NRHA’s market research analyst, Sara conducts organic research and stays abreast of industry trends to help hardware retailers better run their business. Sara also contributes to editorial content in Hardware Retailing magazine. Sara received her B.S. in Marketing and Spanish from Butler University and, after graduation, began her career with NRHA. Sara enjoys traveling, being outdoors and exploring the city of Indianapolis.

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