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NRHA Plan Makes Health Insurance Easy

Offering competitive health insurance benefits can help a small business stand out in a field of employers. While there is plenty of time before renewal season in January, use the next few months to look at your current insurance offerings and see what is available.

As you research what options are available in group insurance, take time to learn about what your association can provide.

The North American Retail Hardware Association (NRHA) offers the NRHA Health Insurance Plan, which is managed by Custom Benefits Insurance Group. 

Hardware Retailing spoke with Bob Chiesa, president and CEO of Custom Benefits Insurance Group to highlight three reasons you might want to consider utilizing the NRHA Health Insurance Plan. To learn more about the plan, visit nrha.org/business-services.

moneySave money by planning in advance.

While January seems far away, you know you should be thinking ahead. Use the rest of the year to research insurance options so you’re not scrambling and evaluating costs a month before a decision needs to be made. Just as consumers shop around for better deals, you should prioritize how you can save on operational expenses, including employee health insurance options. Plus, it doesn’t cost anything to look at your options, Chiesa says.

competitiveBenefits help your operation compete.

Providing benefits like health and dental insurance ensure you retain talented, hardworking employees, especially as the need for benefits has become even more imperative among the workforce. According to Chiesa, health care reform made it so every individual has to have health insurance, which means job-seekers look for employers that offer comprehensive benefits. Offering benefits shows your staff that you care about investing in their wellbeing.

communityRemember, there’s power in numbers.

What makes the NRHA Health Insurance Plan a viable option? NRHA’s thousands of retail members help bolster it, Chiesa says. Before the plan was created in 2013, Chiesa says he spoke with carriers about the volume of retailers that would want and need insurance benefits. Instead of carriers looking at an independent store as a small operation, they approach the industry as individuals in a large group. The strength of NRHA gives you a much better deal, Chiesa says.

About Renee Changnon

Renee Changnon is the retail outreach coordinator for NRHA. She meets with retailers in their stores and at industry events and introduces them to the services NRHA provides. Renee previously worked as a member of the NRHA communications team. She earned a degree in visual journalism from Illinois State University, where she served as the features editor for the school newspaper. After college, she implemented marketing and promotions initiatives at Jimmy John’s franchise locations across the country. She enjoys exploring books with her book club, Netflix marathons and hosting goat yoga at her apartment complex. Renee Changnon 317-275-9442 rchangnon@nrha.org

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