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National Hardware Show Health and Safety Requirements

At the end of January, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) announced stronger workplace safety guidance to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The new guidance outlines preventive steps employers should take to safeguard the health of their customers and employees. The National Hardware Show (NHS) based their health and safety requirements for the upcoming Show on these guidelines.

Face Coverings. Everyone attending the Show will be required to wear a properly fit face covering over their nose and mouth. Complete guidelines on what constitutes proper face coverings can be found here.

Temperature Screening. Everyone attending the Show will be required to undergo a temperature screening prior to entering.

Increased Sanitization and Hygiene. Reed Exhibitions works with the venue to implement sanitization standards. Attendees are asked to maintain personal hygiene, including frequent hand washing.

Physical Distancing. The Show’s interior layout has been adjusted to promote physical distancing. In addition, exhibitor guidelines have been provided to help maintain a safe environment.

Directional and Distance Markings. Attendees are asked to follow all floor and distance markings when present at the Show.

Follow All Signage and Direction from Staff. Operational adjustments may be made during the event to ensure the health and safety of all attendees. Attendees are asked to adhere to all signage and instructions from Show staff.

Greet Without Shaking Hands. The Show asks that all attendees observe social distancing guidelines when greeting others and to avoid handshakes and hugs.

Attendees can pre-register for the 2021 National Hardware Show here. For more information on OSHA’s updated guidance, visit the U.S. Department of Labor’s Protecting Workers: Guidance on Mitigating and Preventing the Spread of COVID-19 in the Workplace.

About Hans Cummings

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