Hosted by Hardware Retailing managing editor Melanie Moul, the “Editorially Speaking” podcast gives listeners a preview of the content in the upcoming issue of the magazine and features exclusive conversations with retailers, wholesaler representatives and other members of the independent home improvement channel. Each episode corresponds to content in the magazine.
“We want to give readers a sneak peek of what’s coming up in the magazine, and a podcast gives us the opportunity to also deliver more retailer stories, best practices and industry trends and updates,” Moul says. “I look forward to using this new medium to share more of the great content that Hardware Retailing delivers every month.”
New episodes of “Editorially Speaking” are released on the last Monday of every month. Search for podcast episodes, subscribe and listen at
Available Episodes
Episodes 1 & 2: Meet the 2020 Top Guns
In the first two episodes of the podcast, Will Aubuchon of W.E. Aubuchon Co., Patrick Goebel of Star Lumber, Kevin Hancock of Hancock Lumber and Kirby Scales of Russell Do it Center talk about their operations and offer industry insights.
Episode 3: Trends in Consumables
Building on the strategies presented by retailers on Page 58, Moul talks to Lauren Wilson, merchandise manager for food and snacks at Do it Best, to get insights into additional trends in consumables and how retailers can further develop this potentially lucrative add-on category.
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Hardware Retailing executive editor Dan Tratensek interviews high-profile retailers, industry experts and wholesale executives to understand trends, challenges and opportunities facing the industry today.
“Tell Me More”
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