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Mike Frattallone Receives Awards for Commitment to Philanthropy

Mike Frattallone, co-owner of Frattallone’s Ace Hardware, has earned two separate awards for his dedication to philanthropy.

Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, a charity that raises vital funds and awareness for 170 member hospitals, announced Frattallone will be named its Local Corporate Person of the Year. He will be presented the esteemed national award at the charity’s 31st annual Momentum event in November.

“We want to congratulate Mike and honor him as our Local Corporate Person of the Year. His outstanding dedication and passion for fundraising have greatly impacted his local children’s hospital, as well as inspired team members at other Ace stores to raise funds on a national level,” says John Lauck, Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals president and CEO.

“We are grateful as we continue our mission of raising donations for member children’s hospitals to have a driven advocate like Mike on our side,” Lauck adds.

Additionally, Frattallone is the recipient of the inaugural Ace All-Star Retailer award. Recently announced at the Ace Hardware Fall Convention and Exhibits in Orlando, this award is bestowed on Frattallone by Ace Hardware Corporation and the Ace Hardware Foundation. The first-ever award of its kind, the Ace All-Star Retailer award will recognize one Ace retailer annually for his or her impressive fundraising, leadership skills, innovation and commitment to Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals.

Frattallone was selected for his contributions to Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare, a Children’s Miracle Network Hospital. Frattallone’s Ace Hardware, owned by brothers Mike and Tom Frattallone and their father Larry Frattallone, has 19 locations throughout Minnesota. Together they have truly championed fundraising for Gillette Children’s and CMN Hospitals – in 2013 the organization raised more than $20,000, almost twice the total amount raised for Gillette Children’s in 2012. Frattallone’s 2014 fundraising goals are even more aggressive than year’s prior. As part of his recognition, P&G will donate $25,000 in his name, to Gillette Children’s, a Children’s Miracle Network Hospital.

“Mike embodies the ideal caring, community-minded, helpful Ace retailer,” says Jimmy Alexander, Ace’s Senior Vice President of Customer Care and President of The Ace Hardware Foundation. “His driven actions have inspired others and provided much needed funds to Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare and Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals everywhere. We are proud to call Mike Frattallone our first-ever Ace All-Star Retailer.”

“I’m humbled and honored to receive such wonderful recognition from these two outstanding organizations,” says Mike Frattallone, co-owner, Frattallone’s Ace Hardware. “At Ace, we are privileged to be in the business of serving our neighbors – not just within our store walls but in our communities, as well. Working collectively to raise funds for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals all across the country is something that unifies us at Ace with a common purpose” Frattallone says.

About Renee Changnon

Renee Changnon is the retail outreach coordinator for NRHA. She meets with retailers in their stores and at industry events and introduces them to the services NRHA provides. Renee previously worked as a member of the NRHA communications team. She earned a degree in visual journalism from Illinois State University, where she served as the features editor for the school newspaper. After college, she implemented marketing and promotions initiatives at Jimmy John’s franchise locations across the country. She enjoys exploring books with her book club, Netflix marathons and hosting goat yoga at her apartment complex. Renee Changnon 317-275-9442 rchangnon@nrha.org

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