Home » Industry News » May Job Creation Marks Best 4-month Stretch Since Late 90s

May Job Creation Marks Best 4-month Stretch Since Late 90s

May marks one of the best four-month stretches of job creation since the late 1990s, renewing optimism about the five-year-long recovery. According to the latest report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, non-farm employment advanced a seasonally adjusted 217,000 in May, while April’s gain was revised down slightly. The increase of 282,000 was the best in more than two years. The U.S. added nearly 200,000 jobs each month since February, the longest such stretch since September 1999 to January 2000.

About Jaime Koch

Jaime Koch was the managing editor of Hardware Retailing Magazine. Jaime regularly traveled around the country and internationally to visit with retailers and share their stories. Jaime was honored by the American Society of Business Publishers for Editorial Excellence.

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