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Many Retailers Don’t Take Advantage Of Formal Training

Dedicating time to formal employee training develops sales associates who are knowledgeable, sell products well and deliver excellent customer service.

Yet fewer than half of independent home improvement retailers who participated in North American Retail Hardware Association’s 2014 Employee Compensation Report provide formal employee training programs.

The data below shows the percentage of retailers who have formal employee training programs as well as how many hours employees receive in training each year.


Applied to Retail: Even though many independent retailers pride themselves on their customer service and product knowledge, very few dedicate the time and resources to ensuring their employees are the best in the business.

Consider implementing a weekly staff meeting in your store for training that reviews topics such as the services your store offers and new product demos. The mini-training sessions will provide constant education without consuming much time.

About Sara Logel

As NRHA’s market research analyst, Sara conducts organic research and stays abreast of industry trends to help hardware retailers better run their business. Sara also contributes to editorial content in Hardware Retailing magazine. Sara received her B.S. in Marketing and Spanish from Butler University and, after graduation, began her career with NRHA. Sara enjoys traveling, being outdoors and exploring the city of Indianapolis.

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