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10 Home Improvement Businesses to Visit

home improvement businesses

Click the picture to download a PDF of this story. Do you ever go on vacation and feel the need to see the local hardware store in the town you’re visiting? While some people may not understand this urge, the staff at …

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How Will Tariffs Impact the Solar Panel Industry?

solar panel

The U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) announced its decision last week that U.S. solar panel manufacturers are negatively impacted by imported solar panels, specifically from Mexico and Korea. According to the report, the ITC will hold a public hearing on remedy on …

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GOP Proposes Tax Reform Bill, Drops Health Care

tax reform

Republican leaders in Congress proposed a plan Wednesday to reform the U.S. tax code, The New York Times reports. According to the newspaper, the GOP tax reform plan calls for reduced taxes for the wealthy, the middle class and businesses and preserves …

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Generation Z: Reaching the Next-Gen Consumer

Generation Z

Generation Z, the generation after millennials (born between 1995 and 2012, according to Forbes) makes purchasing decisions differently from every previous generation, mostly because of how they engage with digital and social media, according to influencer marketing agency Mediakix. These consumers …

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‘Dark Store’ Tax Loophole Hits Small-Town Budgets

dark store

Property taxes are a significant portion of a retailer’s tax burden, and some big-box retailers have found a way to lessen their burden through what is called the “dark store” theory. The theory suggests that operational retail stores should be …

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10 Ways to Use Hardware Retailing

Click the picture to download a PDF of this story. According to a recent readership survey, nearly 90 percent of readers say Hardware Retailing provides them valuable information to help them run their businesses. In addition to using the magazine for best …

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