Finding good help can be difficult in a good job market, but when jobs are tight, adding a hiring page to your website can be an effective way to attract quality job applicants. A hiring page has numerous benefits, including:
Shares your company’s story. Your website probably already has an About Us section to share your story with customers. Adding details on your company’s culture and mission to a hiring page allows you to tailor your story to potential employees as well.
Increases web traffic. Often job seekers use a company’s name and the search term “careers” when searching online. Adding these keywords to your hiring page will help drive traffic to that page and your website overall.
Streamlines the application process. Adding an online application to your hiring page helps to streamline the process of collecting applications, saving both you and your potential job candidates time and effort.
Discover additional benefits of having a hiring page here and check out theses hiring pages from some of your fellow retailers for ideas to boost your own page or create one from scratch:
Discover more hiring tips here.