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Game On: Tailgating Essentials to Stock for Customers

Football season is right around the corner, which means it’s also time for tailgating. Become the go-to store for all of your customers’ pregame needs by creating a tailgating section in your operation. Merchandise all of the products your customers need to tailgate in one area to catch your customers’ eye and provide them with a more effortless shopping experience. 

Food and Drink Accessories/Utensils 

Eating and drinking are instrumental aspects of a successful tailgate. Assist your customers in stocking up on the products they need, including grills and accessories, coolers and tables. 

Cuisinart Deluxe Grill Set (20-Piece)

PKGO Grill & Smoker

Kinjia Camping Stove 

GCI Outdoor Compact Camp Table 20™

Yeti Hopper Flip 12 Soft Cooler (check out more cooler options here)


The majority of tailgaters arrive at their destination multiple hours ahead of game time, with some even making it an all-day event. Creating a comfortable space that protects tailgaters from the elements is key. Be sure to stock tents, chairs and blankets to provide your customers with the products they need for the ultimate tailgating experience. 

Rightline Gear SUV Tailgating Canopy

Geo Rumpl Original Puffy Blanket

GCI Outdoor Freestyle Rocker™

Treva’s ​​5″ Desk Fan

Backcountry’s Stoic 10×10 Slant Leg Canopy


When not eating or drinking, many tailgaters participate in games prior to game time. Merchandising a wide selection of classic and new games allows retailers to cater to diverse consumers and increase sales. Stock these games to level up any customer’s tailgate.

Giant Tumbling Timbers with Carrying Case

Custom College Cornhole Boards

All Pro Passer Robotic Quarterback

Kan Jam Original Disc Game

B3 Bean Bag Bucketz

About Carly Froderman

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