Power surges can cause electrical problems and permanent damage to the broad array of electronics people use in their homes, says the Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI).
U.S. electrical wiring best practices are changing, and built-in surge protectors are an increasing priority in new home construction and remodeling, according to ESFI. The National Electrical Code has an update coming in 2020, and new standards for surge protectors are a key part of it, the organization says.
The dollar value of the electronic devices used in houses makes electrical surges—which happen regularly and often unbeknownst to homeowners—costly and unnecessary threats, the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) reports. Help customers understand how to protect their investments from costly, dangerous electrical problems.
Applied to Retail
When customers make a significant investment in appliances, let them know they can prolong appliances’ life spans by installing permanent surge protectors.
For more information on common electrical projects you can help customers tackle, check out the August 2019 issue of Hardware Retailing. to learn about common electrical projects your staff can guide customers through safely.