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Dryer Balls

Dryer Balls

The Honey-Can-Do 2-Pack Dryer Balls give users a natural, chemical-free solution for soft, wrinkle-free clothing. Perfect for use on infant clothing or individuals with allergies, the dryer balls won’t leave behind residue that can be harmful to a user’s dryer or sensitive skin. The dryer balls help decrease drying time by lifting and separating fabrics, which improves airflow. This product is great for the environment and is cost effective. This set of two dryers balls will soften up to 1,000 loads of laundry.

Honey-Can-Do International
708-240-8100 or www.honeycando.com

About Chad Husted

Chad is an assistant editor for Hardware Retailing magazine. A Purdue University graduate, Chad has covered sports and news at the high school, college and Olympic levels as a sports writer, editor and designer for multiple newspapers. Prior to joining the NRHA, he was the sports editor for the Herald Journal in Monticello, Indiana, and a designer and copy editor for the AIM Media Indiana group in Columbus, Indiana. When not cultivating his beard, he enjoys backpacking, cooking, traveling and watching too much sports and Netflix.

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