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Blish-Mize 2024 Fall Buying Market

Blish-Mize Streamlines Purchasing With Enhanced App at 2024 Fall Buying Market

At its recent Fall Buying Market Sept. 12-14 in Overland Park, Kansas, Blish-Mize provided its customers and vendors with the “best of both worlds” by offering enhanced ordering technology to streamline purchasing logistics and a one-of-a-kind, personalized in-person experience. 

The 153-year-old distributor released an updated version of its Buying Market App, which debuted at its Spring Market, so customers could make purchases and take advantage of market deals and show-only specials through the connivence of their smartphones.

Blish-Mize vice president of purchasing Sarah Lee says the updated version featured expanded ordering capability for everyday product assortments, as well as the different buying events held during the market. Since it was built internally, Blish-Mize can use customer feedback to continually modify it and make improvements for future markets. 

“One of the key aspects is that it was built to drive vendor and customer engagement,” Lee says. “The app features interactive games designed to drive booth traffic and enhance the interaction between vendor and retailer.”

Cindy Kane, Blish-Mize marketing director, says since they integrated expanded ordering capabilities everything displayed on the market floor could be ordered through the app.

“It’s all-encompassing,” Kane says. “Our customers can scan the QR codes at the different events and take advantage of the at-market-only specials where they have to be here at the right time to get the right price.”

Mike Galba, owner of RSR Products in Moscow Mills, Missouri, says his Blish-Mize rep knew that he was interested in technology and that the app would be a gamechanger to use at the market.

“Once I logged on, it was pretty amazing, very straightforward and intuitive,” he says. “I think about all the time I used to spend going through the market books, taking notes and dog-earing pages. Then all of a sudden, it is all right here, along with all the other things like a map of the show floor and the schedule of events. I appreciate how Blish-Mize is at the forefront of technology, which helps me do my job more easily and efficiently.” 

Eyes on Growth

From a promotional purchasing standpoint, Lee says that Blish-Mize’s in-person Buying Markets provide the best opportunity of the year for retailers to get the best pricing to help enhance margins so they can provide savings to customers.

“In today’s economy, it makes these markets even more important, and our vendors have really stepped up so our customers can make some additional margin points,” Lee says. 

Despite the current economy, Blish-Mize vice president of sales Clay Uhrmacher says he is seeing healthy signs from the multitude of growth-focused projects his team is spearheading with customers.

“We’re helping so many of our customers with store expansions and remodels, and working with retailers who are new to buying for retail outlets in small towns,” he says. “The positive direction we are heading is very encouraging as we continue to help customers take advantage of new opportunities to grow their businesses.”  

Hervey Wright, president of Home Lumber and Supply Co., a 16-store operation based in Ashland, Kansas, says Blish-Mize Buying Markets provide the ideal opportunity to discuss these types of growth opportunities.

“Blish-Mize is currently helping us with a reset of a recent acquisition, so we are spending a lot of time here going over all the different products for the new sets and taking advantage of the market specials,” he says. “Being able to have our team sit down with their whole team in one place to plan is invaluable.”

Wright also uses Blish-Mize Buying Markets to source new items to help Home Lumber stand out among its competition.

We’re looking for new and unique products to help differentiate us,” he says. “There are a lot of great new items in the new products section, as well as great deals on everyday items where we can pass the savings onto our customers. It’s a very competitive marketplace these days.”

Wright also likes the family-oriented environment that Blish-Mize always showcases at its Spring and Fall Buying Markets.

“It’s something we don’t see at other shows and events,” he says. “While Blish-Mize might not be as big as some of the others, they sure make up for it with the service they provide to us.”

“Ultimately, it’s our competitive advantage and what our customers want from us,” says chairman and CEO Jonathan Mize. “They want to come and have face-to-face conversations with our vendors and with the Blish-Mize team members. We’ve always known our business is best done in-person. And while we provide the latest technology to make doing business with us as easy as possible, we also know our customers come because of the family-oriented environment where we know them by name and can provide solutions to their specific needs.”

Other Market News: 

  • Blish-Mize highlighted its new partnership with Schnieder with a decked-out semi on the market floor. The new logistics partnership features more comprehensive and enhanced delivery service transparency that provides more accurate delivery windows for customers.
  • Market attendees flocked to the Spec Ops booth at the market to see the new offerings in hand tools with new product design and innovation to draw attention to the staple hardlines category. Spec Ops also donates 3% of product sales to veteran’s causes. “It’s a driving factor because their product is so eye catching in a staple category,” says Blish-Mize operations manager Kyle Davis, “It’s a big shakeup in hand tools that our customers are excited about.”
  • Blish-Mize’s Spring 2025 Buying Market will take place March 20-22, 2025, at the Overland Park Convention Center. 

About Scott Wright

A home improvement industry veteran, Scott has spent the past 30 years at NHPA in various roles, developing programs and services to serve NHPA’s mission of helping retailers become better and more profitable. During his tenure, Scott has spearheaded the development of many of NHPA’s industry-leading training programs. Before that, he served as editorial director of custom publications for the association, where he was in charge of launching national B2B and B2C publications. He has a B.A. in journalism from Indiana University’s School of Journalism.

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