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associations expand resources

Associations Expand Resources for Retailers in Hardware, Paint and Decor

The North American Retail Hardware Association (NRHA) and the Paint & Decorating Retailers Association (PDRA), the home improvement and décor industry’s two largest retail organizations, have announced the details of a new alliance designed to provide an even broader array of programs and services to their members.

Together, NRHA and PDRA represent more than 50,000 independent retail outlets, offering their members access to training materials, industry information, advocacy programs and a variety of live events throughout the year. Moving forward, these two organizations will begin sharing more resources in an effort to enhance all of these offerings.

“Both our organizations share a common goal; to help independent business owners succeed by providing them access to world-class programs and services they can use to enhance their operations,” says Bob Cutter, NRHA’s chief operating officer. “We know these independent, family-owned businesses face many challenges but we also know that they provide the backbone to the economy and when they work together, there is nothing they can’t accomplish.”

“Creating an alliance between the PDRA and NRHA allows us to take advantage of our synergies. Moving forward both organizations will produce a combined effect that is greater than trying to crusade for the independent retailer alone,” says LeAnn Day, PDRA executive director. “We have created an environment where our organizations can work together to ensure the future success of the independent retailer.”

Here are some of the details of how the associations will expand their resources:

  • NRHA, which currently publishes the industry’s leading trade magazine, Hardware Retailing, will begin publishing PDRA’s monthly magazine Paint & Decorating Retailer. Dan Simon will remain publisher of Paint & Decorating Retailer and will work together with the NRHA team to produce the monthly magazine.
  • NRHA will work together with PDRA to offer PDRA members access to a broader range of educational and training materials aimed at topics like selling skills, management development, merchandising and more.
  • With assistance from NRHA, PDRA will begin hosting two annual member roundtable events where retailers can share best practices and insights.
  • NRHA and PDRA will jointly conduct two annual research projects to provide their retail members with even greater insights into the channel and consumer trends.
  • The two associations will work more closely to provide limited joint programming at the annual National Hardware Show® and Paint and Decorating Show in Las Vegas.
  • The associations will continue to explore more ways to share resources that could be of benefit to both organizations’ constituents.

“This alliance marks a new era for both of our organizations and in fulfilling NRHA’s mission to help hardware retailers, regardless of affiliation, become better and more profitable operators,” Cutter says. “While we have outlined some of the initial collaborative efforts our two organizations will engage in, we really see a range of possibilities open to us as we move forward working more closely together.”

“Independents need additional progressive programs and services to adapt in our ever-changing economy. Our combined efforts will allow us to anticipate the future and go to market more quickly with these programs and services,” says Day. “Our combined strengths give the PDRA and NRHA members the competitive edge.”

About Dan Tratensek

Dan is the chief operating officer and publisher NHPA. In his position at NHPA, Tratensek has the opportunity to visit with independent retailers of all types and sizes and shape the association’s content, training and research to meet the needs of its members. Prior to his current position, Tratensek worked in a variety of roles for the association and has been involved in business journalism and news reporting for more than three decades.

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