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Add Music to Their Outdoor Paradise

With the arrival of spring, customers spend more time outside, whether that’s on the patio, out in the yard or relaxing by a pool. One way they can spruce up their outdoor areas is with windchimes, a tradition that dates back thousands of years. Read on for some popular windchime options to stock that are music to your customers’ ears.

Chime Time offers a large variety of chimes in various materials that play  different sounds. These chimes are designed for exterior or interior places, with some interior chimes made of glass to catch the light as it comes through a window. All purchases have a 60-day warranty in case there are any issues with the chimes or the customer doesn’t like that chime’s particular sound. 

Woodstock Chimes offers customers unique chimes in different materials and styles. The company has a line of suncatcher chimes, which aren’t known for making much music, but catch the sun’s light and spread it around a room or across a porch. Woodstock Chimes also offers solar powered chimes, which will glow in the evening to add a different kind of atmosphere to an area with their gentle light. 

Wind River Chimes offers handmade chimes manufactured, tuned and shipped from Virginia. Each chime purchased supports a local artist. The company also hosts monthly charity events where one charity receives 20% of the store’s profits on chimes for that month. Wind River Chimes also offers sound clips and customization options.

About Jess Lee

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