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Understanding the Retail Needs of Home Builders

Building products marketing firm Venveo teamed up with The Farnsworth Group to survey 101 residential contractors on how their shopping patterns have shifted in the past year. The results offer valuable insight into what pros need. As monthly home starts hit their highest pace since 2006, understanding their needs can put you one step ahead of your competitors.

Home builders have a digital focus.
Currently, 43 percent of home builders purchase home improvement products online for delivery or store pickup, much higher than in years past.

Put It to Use: If you don’t already, speak to your wholesaler about incorporating e-commerce options on your website.

New brands are gaining traction.
Data indicates about one-third of home builders have tried a new brand of product in the past year. Many switched because of product availability.

Put It to Use: Product availability is key. Communicate your inventory accurately and immediately to gain customers’ trust.

home builders
Source: Venveo

Your website helps home builders find products.
Home builders are looking for new brands, and 64 percent of them use supplier or retailer websites to find them. About 80 percent found products on YouTube.

Put It to Use: Use your website to feature YouTube videos to drive engagement—and discovery—across your online platforms.

About Todd Taber

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