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Store Gears Up for Bike Sales with New Display

If you feel you’re running out of space to display some of your harder-to-merchandise inventory, get creative. That’s what Sarah and Reid Davis, owners of R&S Hardware in Hinckley, Minn., did when showing bikes. “We’ve only been open about a …

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Tips for Maximizing Consumable Sales

Today’s consumers are motivated by convenience so whether you decide offering personalize impulse items or go with more traditional items, you can anticipate some healthy returns. Here are some tips to get the most return from the consumables you carry: …

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Spruce Up Your Summer Merchandising

Spruce Up Your Summer Merchandising - Feature

Let your employees take ownership in merchandising by putting them in charge of certain displays. Here are a few ideas to get your team thinking when they’re planning summer displays: Outdoor power equipment doesn’t sell in a box. Trimmers and …

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Project PRO

Project Pro

Understanding the components of the most common DIY projects and how to sell a customer an entire project instead of just specific products can make a big impact on a store’s sales. To help arm store associates with this skill, …

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60 Retail Ideas in 59 Minutes

This popular presentation, presented by Dan Tratensek, publisher of Hardware Retailing magazine, offers tips and advice for retailers on how to stay ahead of the big-box competition. Topics include management and operations, employee training, promotions and marketing, merchandising and more. …

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How to Increase Plant Sales

How to Increase Plant Sales - Feature

No matter how big or small your live plant offering, if you want to be successful, you need quality plants, and that means being choosy. Your reputation will be riding on every plant you sell, so dedicate staff to keeping …

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Six Ways to Create the Perfect Endcap

Some of the most valuable real estate space in your store lies in a narrow display at the end of a gondola run: The endcap. But whether your customers stop and look at the items you place there or just …

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