Selling lemonade in Harker Heights, Texas, is a popular pastime for local children—and an independent home improvement store helps make that possible.
For two years now, Heights Lumber & Supply has hosted a free lemonade stand-building workshop for children ranging from preschool to high school age. Local kids build the stands, and then sell drinks from those stands on Lemonade Day in the community.
During the Heights Lumber workshops, store employees teach kids basic skills, such as nailing, measuring and sanding wood. The business donates wooden pallets, paint, safety goggles, small tool belts, precut lemon- shaped signs and nails. The store also gives out snacks and plans games such as relay races.
While they’re at the store, the children get to use hand tools and ask for help with their projects. The Heights Lumber workers assist the kids with starting their projects and send them home with the skills and supplies the young entrepreneurs need to finish the lemonade stands.
Between 75 and 100 children have participated each year in the workshops. The kids have fun, and Kelly Eakin, store sales manager and family business partner, likes having the opportunity to host and help local children at her store.
“It’s reminded the community that we’re here to help the kids out and we’re big supporters of them,” Eakin says.