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The Pulse on Impulse Aisles

According to a CNBC article, the average U.S. consumer spends $5,400 each year on impulse buys. Data from Brandon Gaille Small Business & Marketing Advice indicates that 90 percent of people today make occasional impulsive purchases and 75 percent of those consumers feel happy after making impulse purchases. The top three impulse buys include food, clothing and household supplies.

The mountain of data surrounding impulse purchases led the National Hardware Show to create a new product category and dedicate an area on the show floor called the Impulse Aisle. The Impulse Aisle features products that aim to meet customers’ needs at and before the checkout line. Impulse items include readers, soap, batteries, snacks, drinks, candy, small flashlights, cleaning wipes, hand sanitizers, grooming products and gloves. In general, items ideal for merchandising near the register are novelty items that are both eye-catching and tempting, in addition to items buyers might have neglected or forgot to grab before completing their purchase.

To learn more about the new Impulse Aisle at NHS, click here.


About Hans Cummings

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